Thursday, June 30, 2011

20 Facts About Facebook and Twitter

I think the information on my last blog post has already been digested well so I have to post yet another spoonful of facts about your favorite social networking sites. Some of these information may be common knowledge, some are trivial, some might not be known by most of us. Nevertheless, I am writing in hopes that this post will be informative and fun. =)

So here goes the list:

  1. Facebook has over 500 million users.
  2. If Facebook were a country, it would be the world’s 3rd largest country.
  3. Facebook claims that 50% of active users log into the site each day. This would mean at least 175 million users every 24 hours.
  4. More than 35 million Facebook users update their status each day. Hmm, does that include you?
  5. Facebook's mission: Giving people the power to share and make the world more open and connected; the same statement on Mark Zuckerberg's Facebook page.
  6. The US is the number one country with most number of Facebook users. Philippines is number eight.
  7. About 70% of Facebook users are outside the USA.
  8. Al Pacino’s face was on the original Facebook homepage.
  9. Mark Zuckerburg (CEO of Facebook) calls himself a “Harvard Graduate” when in fact he didn’t graduate (apparently his reply is that “there isn’t a setting for dropout”)
  10. Texas Hold’em Poker is the most popular Facebook page with over 41 million fans.
  11. More than 70 translations are available on the site.
  12. 3 years, 2 months and 1 day…the time it took from the first tweet to the billionth tweet. The 10 billionth Twitter’s tweet was posted in March 2010.
  13. At the current rate, Twitter will process almost 10 billion tweets in a single year.
  14. The average Facebook user has 130 friends, becomes a fan of four pages, gets invited to 3 events, writes 25 comments, sends 8 friend requests, is a member of 13 groups and spends about 55 minutes a day on the site.
  15. Twitter gets more than 3 billion requests per day.
  16. 40% of Twitter users are following at least 10 user accounts.
  17. Thursday and Friday are the most active days on Twitter. 10-11 pm is the most active hour.
  18. The domain name costs 7,500 dollars in 2006.
  19. The original name for Twitter is Twttr and it doesn't have a 140 character limit.
  20. In 2009 or 2 years ago Twitter had 8 million registered users now it has 180 million.


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