Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Getting Down To Business Through Networking Sites

Networking sites were never exclusive for personal use. Facebook is not just for college kids who want to have their party photos shown in public. YouTube practically has all kinds of patrons. And Twitter, well who cant do tweeting? What I'm saying is that these networking sites are being used practically by everybody. Business people use these networking sites in getting down to business. Businesses these days at least have Facebook and Twitter accounts. What are those for? To answer that, let's go back to the main purpose of networking sites. Connectivity. Which is very important to business.

Businesses need advertising. These social media are the cheapest ways to advertise your products and services. It is a must to sign up and create a Facebook fan page. Twitter is like an online text messaging. Have a live Twitter account all the time for you to be able to answer customer queries. Who knows you can get a sale through these social media. And really it's not impossible.

Do you want to create video teasers for your products and services or just pictures of them? YouTube is a great medium for that. Get a Multiply account to post many photos. You just have to get a little creative to attract audience who are possible customers.

LinkedIn is a networking site that connects alumni, business associates and professionals online. Those social networks are possible customers. This is also a good opportunity to get referrals. Biznik is a community of entrepreneurs and start up business people dedicated to helping each other. How does that sound? The very least that you could do is join the community. It definitely wont hurt.

Fast Pitch is a business network where professionals can market their business and make connections. You can also create an account on Ebay. Get pictures of your products and sell it on line. What I know of business is that it should seek for every opportunity to create a sale and build connections.

There are still a lot more to explore, JASEzone, Plaxo, wikipedia and many many more. All those are created for a particular purpose and a business minded person will take every opportunity to use them for purposes of advertising, building connections and finding a possible customer and making a sale. After all, those networking sites are for free.

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