Thursday, June 16, 2011

When Social Networking Ain't Fun

Social networking is the latest trend on the world wide web. You are so out of the scene when you don't have a Facebook, Twitter, MySpace or LinkeIn account. A lot of people have accounts of all four major social networking sites I have just mentioned. This is not only for the younger generations but young and old alike are getting hooked on this phenomenon. Do know somebody who doesn't have a Facebook account? Their species is getting smaller in number by the minute. Eventually they will be extinct because hey, let's face it, we live in a world of the internet. We have to keep up with the times.

But it seemed like even these social networking sites which were created for good purposes are becoming tools for crime and other dangers. Social networking has paved the way for cyber crime to add to the unending list of this world's problems.

Children and young people are primary prey to cyber crime offenders. Social networking sites require an age limit for its users. Anyone below 13 years old is being blocked by these social networking sites when they sign up for an account. However, there are still teenagers and kids who fake the information they submit. If you do not meet the age requirement for these networking sites but still want to get an account, it is better that you don't display some information about your where abouts. Don't divulge information about your latest activities and make sure to know the people you are showing these information to. There have already been a lot of cases of cyber stalking that led to serious crimes like rape, and sexual harassment.

Your privacy might be in great jeopardy in using these networking sites. These sites allow you to approve invites by people you don't even know. These people might use some information to embarrass you in some ways. Your reputation might also be in danger. Your photos are great materials for them. It is important that you consider the people you add.

Scams are rampant in these networking sites. People might use your information or steal your identity to pose as yourself and commit crimes. Spams are also tools to commit these crimes. Don't divulge your passwords and other account information to anyone or to a spam message that requests for such information. Other cyber crime offenders are hackers. They can hack into your website and steal important information. This is especially dangerous for business sites.

There are just as many opportunities for us to get connected with the rest of the world as there are dangers alongside doing it. What's important is we get ourselves informed and ready. These are inevitable things but they can definitely be avoided if we take precautionary measures.

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