Tuesday, June 21, 2011

How Facebook Came To Be

Facebook as we all know, is the biggest networking site today. It has become a part of our lives. Its creator Mark Zuckerberg has indeed become successful in making the world more open and made it possible for people to connect. But how did Facebook start? What made it to become today's phenomenon?

Facebook is Mark Zuckerberg's baby conceived in Harvard specifically in his dorm room during his sophomore year. That baby has grown really big right now that it literally has taken over the world with more than half a billion active users worldwide.

Before Facebook was created Mark wrote Facemash. It is a site where two people are compared through votes. It is very similar to Hot or Not. He used those photos from online facebooks of houses in Harvard. He would put two pictures together and ask people to vote who's hotter and then another set of photos will be evaluated, so on and so forth. Facemash became very popular in Harvard and eventually came to the attention of administrators. Mark was accused of hacking and many more violations from violating privacy to security breach but all charges were dropped. The following semester Zuckerberg has began writing codes for another website. On February 4, 2004 he launched “Thefacebook” with an original domain thefacebook.com. Thefacebook was originally exclusive for college students but soon spread throughout the world catering to an estimated 600 million people. Its name came from a publication that colleges would give out to freshmen students at the start of the semester for them to know their fellow students better. In the movie about Facebook “The Social Network”, Sean Parker, associated with Napster, suggested to drop the “the” and just get on with Facebook thus the name right now.
A week after the launch three Harvard seniors accused Zuckerberg of stealing the website from them which created a controversy that turned into a full-fledged lawsuit. A lot of controversy happened eventually the parties agreed to settle.

Seven years later Facebook became a total phenomenal hit translated in 70 languages used worldwide by over 600 million people. Mark Zuckerberg became one of the youngest billionaires and was named Time Person of the Year 2010.

We never really know what happened. Whether Mark Zuckerberg did stole Facebook or not. What matters right now is that Facebook has changed the way we live. Mark Zuckerberg has been an innovator. Facebook has brought change.


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