Monday, June 20, 2011

Mark Zuckerberg: The Genius Behind Facebook

Who doesn't know mark Zuckerberg? Who doesn't know about Facebook? Who doesn't know that Mark Zuckerberg is the genius behind Facebook? I guess we all know that. This article is dedicated to that person who has indeed connected a lot of people through a very well known social networking site in the world today.

Mark Elliot Zuckerberg born on May 14, 1984 at White Plains New York is the founder, chief executive and president of Facebook, today's social networking phenomenon. It is quite impossible not to attach Facebook with the name Mark Zuckerberg. But let us backtrack a bit. Let us go back to the time before Facebook became a total phenomenon or even before Facebook came to be. Zuckerberg is a son to a dentist father and a psychiatrist mother and a brother to three sisters before he became a person worth thirteen billion dollar and counting. At an early age Mark has indeed exhibited intellect and excelled in math, astronomy science and classical studies. He used to win prizes for different contests. He is also a fencing star and captain of the fencing team when he was in high school. He knows languages like French, Hebrew, Latin and Ancient Greek. He has a Chinese-American girlfriend so he also studies Mandarin. Mark has a green-red color blindness and sees blue best. That might be the reason why Facebook's main color is blue.

He became interested in programming even at an early age. He developed programs way back even when he was still a kid. His playmates would draw stuff and he'd make a game out of it. He entered Harvard to study psychology and computer science. And then came the saga of how Facebook was created.

On his Facebook page Zuckerberg has written “I'm trying to make the world a more open place by helping people connect and share.” One of the reasons why he refused billion dollar buy out offers can be explained by those words. Mark Zucherberg became Time's Person of the Year 2010. “For connecting more than half a billion people and mapping the social relations among them, for creating a new system of exchanging information and for changing how we live our lives, Mark Elliot Zuckerberg is TIME's 2010 Person of the Year”.

At 27 years old he became one of the most influential people and was featured in magazines like Time and Forbes. He is on the top three in the list of youngest billionaires in the world with a net worth of $13.5 billion. Forbes ranked him the 40th in its most powerful people list.

Mark Zuckerberg is indeed an innovator. He created something that became a part of our lives. And with that we will always be grateful.


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