Friday, June 17, 2011

Let Us Backtrack A Bit

My past blog posts have been articles with topics related mostly to social net working. I have been using the names of major networking sites many times. Facebook for example. I have been mentioning this major social networking site in almost all my posts. In fact I have been tagging it several times. My blog is focused on this topic so I will only be writing articles related to it. Social networking is quite a broad and relatively interesting topic. But I acknowledge the fact that eventually I will find it hard to write interesting articles or my articles would just get boring since I'm just talking about the same thing over and over without even noticing it. Those are problems commonly encountered by a lot of bloggers especially those who have been in the business for a long while. So I will backtrack a bit. I will be talking about how these social networking sites came to be. Before these social networking sites became almost indispensable these days, we will look at how they were created. So how was that? Still boring? =)

Facebook was originally named thefacebook. The movie, The Social Network is about the creation of Facebook. YouTube was originally an online dating site. YouTube as we all know, is the largest video sharing website where users can upload photos and videos and share them as well. Those are just some of the facts that we might not know. So with my next bogs, you will read more of them. See yah all then. =)

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